What's wrong is that Karen Stintz seems to have all the time in the world for making a career in politics and little time for making Ward 16 a better place for residents.
Ward 16 is popular with the development sector but it's also popular with the outside advertising business too.
Here, Councillor Stintz enjoys a good old time with the boys who spend their time defeating our By-laws on outdoor advertising signs. "City Councillor Karen Stintz is caught on camera laughing it up with four lobbyists for the Billboard Industry." www.illegalsigns.ca
"From time to time, City Councillors would chat with members of the public as well as the industry’s paid lobbyists. But one City Councillor only spoke to the lobbyists. Her name is Karen Stintz. And we have the video to prove it: The silent video hits high drama at 0:33, when Stintz’ animation gets a tad wild." www.illegalsigns.ca
"Karen Stintz is the worst of a very questionable bunch. She may be the most articulate and witty member of Council’s unofficial opposition (goodness knows she doesn’t have much competition), but her positions rarely seem authentically her own but rather products of ideology or focused lobbying efforts. (Almost every time I have attended a Council meeting, I have seen her at the back of the gallery chatting away with lobbyists.)" Torontoist December 2006
What's wrong is that Councillor Stintz appears to be more interested in helping these guys get their signs erected, rejigged or illuminated than listening to the concerns of residents.